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Audio Add Track

FFmpeg Builder: Add Add Track

This flow element will add a new audio track to `FFmpeg Builder``.

It will find the best source track (even from ones marked as deleted by previous nodes) to create this new track.

It looks first at language (if specified), then at the number of channels, then by the original order of the tracks in the working file.

It will insert this new track at the index specified. If the index specified is greater than the number of tracks it will be added as the last track.


The index where to insert the new audio track. 0 based, so to insert the new audio track as the first track set this to 0.


The codec to use to encode the audio


The number of channels this new audio track will be.

If you specify more channels than the source, FFMPEG will automatically upmix it.

If you specify fewer channels than the source, FFMPEG will automatically down mix it.


Bitrate of the audio track


This leaves the bitrate up to FFmpeg to decide and is the default option.

Same as source

This will use the same bitrate as the original audio.

Bitrate Per Channel

If the bitrate specified should be per channel.

For example if checked and bitrate is set to 100K, and there are 6 channels, then the audio bitrate will be 600K.

Sample Rate

The sample rate to use for the new audio track


This leaves the sample rate up to FFmpeg to decide and is the default option.

Same as source

This will use the same sample rate as the original audio.


Optional language code to use. It is recommended (but not mandatory) that a ISO 639-2 code be used.

Will attempt to find an audio track with this language code if not the best audio track will be used.


Optional title for the newly created audio track. If left blank the source title will be used

Remove Title

If the source title should be removed and the track should have no title