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Audio Converter

FFmpeg Builder: Audio Converter

This flow element will normalize audio against the matching tracks in the output file.


The codec to use to encode the audio


The number of channels this new audio track will be. If you specify more channels than the source, FFmpeg will automatically up mix it. If you specify fewer channels than the source, FFmpeg will automatically down mix it.


Bitrate of the audio track


This leaves the bitrate up to FFmpeg to decide and is the default option.

Same as source

This will use the same bitrate as the original audio.


If the audio is already in the choosen Codec and Channels is set to Same as source and Bitrate is set to Automatic or Same as source then the audio will not be re-encoded and will just be copied


The field to match against when determing which audio tracks to convert

Convert AllAll audio tracks will be converted
TitleUses the title of the track to match against
CodecUses the codec of the track to match against
LanguageUses the language of the track to match against


You can provide either a string or a regular expression to match against.

If a string is provided, the matching will be done as a case-insensitive exact match by default.

For more complex matching patterns or to match substrings within the text, you can use regular expressions. For example, to match commentary anywhere in the string while ignoring case, you can use the regular expression pattern .*commentary.*.

Automatic detection is applied to determine the type of input provided. For instance, `commentary`` will be treated as a case-insensitive string match by default.


When using a language with a string match, the Language Helper will be used to determine if the languages are the same. So you can use German to match deu and vice versa

Not Matching

This will inverse the match


  1. Audio tracks matched the parameters and will be normalized
  2. Audio tracks did not match and no normalizing will occur