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Crop Black Bars

FFmpeg Builder: Crop Black Bars

This flow element will scan the video file when first called and detect if black bars are present at intervals of 60 seconds, 120 seconds, 240 seconds, and 360 seconds.


If black bars are detected, it will look for the minimum black bars at those intervals. This way if it accidentally comes across a title screen where it's mostly black screen with just some minor white text, this will not crop the video inappropriately.

Processing is done when this node is first called just to do the scan, no cropping will be done until the FFmpeg Builder: Executor is executed.


This is the minimum number of lines needed to remove the black bars. So if you set Threshold to 10 then the cropped resolution must be 10 pixels smaller to quality, for example the original video is 1920x1080 and the cropped video is 1920x1070 this will be cropped but if it is 1920x1076 then that will not be cropped.

This way if there only a minor amount of black bars, i.e. just some around the edges, you can skip cropping this.


  • Output 1: Black bars were detected
  • Output 2: Black bars were not detected or not above the threshold.