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Web Request

Web Request

Copies a file to the destination folder


The URL of the request.


The web method to use when sending this request.

Content Type

The Content-Type of the message to send.


Optional headers to send with the request.


The body of the request being sent. Variables can be used in this field. This is a plain text field and variables can be used using the {}. For example {file.Name}


  1. Successfully sent
  2. Request returned a non-successful status code


web.StatusCodeThe status code from the responsenumber200
web.BodyThe body of the responsestringthis is a sample body

Note: In the Flow Editor this examples values will be used, so if you are expecting JSON back, the code will be evaluated with "this is a sample body" when saving.

JSON Body Example

To send a JSON body

  1. Set the content type to "JSON"
  2. Choose the HTTP method, for example "POST"
  3. Set the body
"SomeInt": 123,
"SomeString": "this is a string",
"StringVariable": "{file.Name}",
"IntVariable": {file.Size}