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Move Folder

Move Folder

Moves a folder


The folder to move,

If left blank the Working File will be used, if this is not a folder, then the flow element will fail.


The destination path to move the source folder to.

Create Subfolder

If a subfolder with the name of the source folder will be created in the destination folder.


Suppose you want to move the folder /data/backup to /archive. You can configure the flow element as follows:

  1. Source: /data/backup
  2. Destination: /archive
  3. Create Subfolder: Checked

After executing the move operation, the folder structure will be:

  • /archive/backup containing all the files and subfolders originally in /data/backup.

If Create Subfolder is not checked, the folder structure will be:

  • /archive containing all the files and subfolders originally in /data/backup.

If Destination Already Exists

If the destination folder already exists, then the Move will fail.