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Folder Date Compare

Folder Date Compare

Checks if the folder creation or last write time matches the specified date constraint.


The path to the folder to check. Leave empty to check the current working file.

If a file is specified the folder containing the file will be checked.


The date to use in the comparison: either Creation Time or Last Write Time.


Greater Than

Matches if the date is older than the given period. E.g., if set to 5 Days, the file is newer than 5 days ago.

Less Than

Matches if the date is newer than the given period. E.g., if set to 5 Days, the file is older than 5 days ago.


Matches if the date is within the specified range. E.g., if set to 5 Days and 10 Days, the date is between 5 and 10 days ago.

Not Between

Matches if the date is not within the specified range. E.g., if set to 5 Days and 10 Days, the date is not between 5 and 10 days ago.


Matches if the date is before the specified date.


Matches if the date is after the specified date.


  1. Matches the date constraint.
  2. Does not match the date constraint.