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Filename Pattern Replacer

Filename Pattern Replacer

This flow element lets you make replacements in the filename.

You can use regular expressions for the replacements, or simple string replacements.


To replace with an empty string, use the keyword EMPTY


One or more pattersn to replace. These can be simple strings or regular expressions.

Use Working Filename

If current working filename should be used, or if false, the original filename of the incoming file will be used.


  1. Replacement done
  2. No replacement done


s([\d]+)e([\d]+)$1x$2Replaces a string matches s01e02 or s1e02 etc with 01x02 or 1x02 (does not trim leading zeroes)
0([1-9]+x[\d]+)$1Trims a leading zero from 01x02 etc
\.h265EMPTYReplaces .h265 with an empty string, ie removes that from the filename
1080p720pReplaces 1080p with 720p