๐๏ธ Input File
An input flow element for a file. This is required and is the starting point of a flow. Any input flow element can be used, just one is required.
๐๏ธ Input Folder
An input node for a folder. This will only work if the library using this flow is configured for folders.
๐๏ธ Complete Flow
A flow element that completes/ends a flow.
๐๏ธ Conditions
2 items
๐๏ธ Copy File
Copies a file to the destination folder
๐๏ธ Delete Source Folder
Deletes the source folder of the original library file.
๐๏ธ Delete
Deletes either a single file or a single directory.
๐๏ธ Executor
Execute the following process against the file.
๐๏ธ Fail Flow
Fails a flow immediately, useful if you want a certain path to just fail.
๐๏ธ File Date Compare
Checks if the file creation or last write time matches the specified date constraint.
๐๏ธ File Exists
Checks if a file exists
๐๏ธ File Extension
Checks if the file has one of the configured extensions.
๐๏ธ File Name Matches
Checks if the original file name (including the full path) matches the specified value using String Operations.
๐๏ธ File Property Exists
Tests if a property has been set on this file record. Properties are stored in the file's database record and are unique to this specific file instance, not the filename. If the same file appears in a different library, it will have its own separate properties.
๐๏ธ File Property Matches
Tests if a property on this file record matches a given value. Properties are stored in the file's database record and are unique to this specific file instance, not the filename. If the same file appears in a different library, it will have its own separate properties.
๐๏ธ File Size Compare
Checks if the file size has changed sized from the original file.
๐๏ธ File Size Within
Checks if the new file size is within the allowed range of the original file size.
๐๏ธ File Size
Checks if the file size matches the configured parameters. The values are in megabytes.
๐๏ธ Filename Pattern Replacer
This flow element lets you make replacements in the filename.
๐๏ธ Folder Date Compare
Checks if the folder creation or last write time matches the specified date constraint.
๐๏ธ Folder Iterator
Iterates all files in a given folder and executes those files against a sub flow.
๐๏ธ Goto Flow
This lets you switch to a different flow to process.
๐๏ธ Has Hard Links
Checks if a file has hard links to it.
๐๏ธ Is From Library
Checks if the file is from the library specified.
๐๏ธ Is Processing On Node
Checks if the flow is currently processing on a specified processing node.
๐๏ธ List Iterator
Iterates all strings in a given list and executes those files against a sub flow.
๐๏ธ Log Image
Logs an image to the file log
๐๏ธ Log Variables
Logs all the variables in the flow to the file log for debugging purposes.
๐๏ธ Log
Logs a message to the flow log
๐๏ธ Matches All
Compares a set of values and checks if all conditions match.
๐๏ธ Matches
Compares a set of values and matches conditions to see which output should be called.
๐๏ธ Move File
Moves a file to the destination folder
๐๏ธ Move Folder
Moves a folder
๐๏ธ Original File
Sets the current working file in the flow to the original file that started the flow.
๐๏ธ Pattern Match
Tests the working file and original file against a regular expression.
๐๏ธ Random
Allows you to configure between 2 and 10 outputs, and one of those outputs will be randomly choosen.
๐๏ธ Renamer
Renames the working file.
๐๏ธ Replace Original
Replaces the original file with the working file.
๐๏ธ Reprocess
This flow element allows you to reprocess the original library file with a different processing node.
๐๏ธ Scripting
5 items
๐๏ธ Set File Property
Sets a property on this file record. Properties are stored in the file's database record and are unique to this specific file instance, not the filename. If the same file appears in a different library, it will have its own separate properties.
๐๏ธ Set Variable
This flow element sets a variable in the flow.
๐๏ธ Set Working File
A flow element that updates the current working file to the one specified.
๐๏ธ 7-Zip
Allows you to 7-zip the input
๐๏ธ Sleep
Pauses the flow for the given milliseconds
๐๏ธ System
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๐๏ธ Templating
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๐๏ธ Touch
Touches a file or directory and sets the last write time to now.
๐๏ธ Unpack
Allows you to unpack an archive, zip, rar, tar etc.
๐๏ธ Variable Exists
Checks if a Variable exists and is not null.
๐๏ธ Variable Match
Tests if a input matches a variable in the flow.
๐๏ธ Write Text
Writes text to a file.
๐๏ธ Zip
Allows you to zip the input