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Variables let you inject a string into a field.

The available variables are based on the flow nodes before the current node.

E.g. if you use a Video File node this will insert {vi.Video.Codec} etc

Using in Text Fields

To use a variable inside a text field, they must be wrapped in {}.

For example, {file.Name}

Typing { will open up a variable selector of available variables.

Text Variables

Using in a Function or Script

To use a variable inside a function or script, call the Variables object

For example,


Function Variables


These let you alter the the variable value

:0Left pad with 0{file.CreateDate.Day:00}05

Always Available

extExtension of working filestring.mkv
file.OriginalNameThe original library file name unmodified/mappedstring/mnt/library/file.txt
file.NameShort filename of working file with extensionstringb0d11434-8fce-4d3c-ad55-774e05061bdf.mkv
file.NameNoExtensionShort filename of working file without extensionstringb0d11434-8fce-4d3c-ad55-774e05061bdf
file.FullNameFull filename of working filestring/temp/FFRunner/b0d11434-8fce-4d3c-ad55-774e05061bdf.mkv
file.ExtensionExtension of working filestring.mkv
file.SizeSize of working file in byteslong100000000
folder.FileNameShort folder name of working filestringFFRunner
folder.FullNameFull folder name of working filestring/temp/FFRunner
file.CreateCreation DateTime of original fileDateTimeJavascript new Date()
file.Create.YearCreation Year of original fileint2020
file.Create.MonthCreation Month of original fileint3
file.Create.DayCreation Day of original fileint28
file.ModifiedModified DateTime of original fileDateTimeJavascript new Date()
file.Modified.YearModified Year of original fileint2020
file.Modified.MonthModified Month of original fileint3
file.Modified.DayModified Day of original fileint28
file.ModifiedModified DateTime of original fileDateTimeJavascript new Date()
file.Modified.YearModified Year of original fileint2020
file.Modified.MonthModified Month of original fileint3
file.Modified.DayModified Day of original fileint28
file.Orig.ExtensionExtension of original filestring.mkv
file.Orig.FileNameShort filename of original file with extensionstringTestFile.mkv
file.Orig.FileNameNoExtensionShort filename of original file without extensionstringTestFile
file.Orig.FullNameFull filename of original filestringC:\Files\TestFile.mkv
file.Orig.SizeSize of original file in byteslong100000000
folder.Orig.NameShort folder name of original filestringFiles
folder.Orig.FullNameFull folder name of original filestringC:\Files


When using a variable inside a text field, you can alter how that variable is displayed by using a formatter

!UpperCaseConverts the value to upper case, (| not required)MYVALUE
0DigitsWill pad a number with the number of 0s specified0002
dateDateFormats a value as a date
timeTimeFormats a value as a time
datetimeDateTimeFormats a value as a datetime
MyhHmsft:-_DateTimeFormats a value as a custom date time string, eg d-MMM-yyyy h:mm:ss tt2-Nov-2022 5:34:49 p.m.
sizeSizeFormats a value in B, KB, MB, GB, TB.1.4GB

To use a formatter append | then the format, eg

{file.Name!} - {file.Size|size} {file.Create|dd-MM-yyyy} {file.Create|time}


FILENAME.EXT - 32.78 GB 29-10-2022 11:41

Hint: You can even use a formatter on any value you type in, for example



645.65 MB