Postgres Database Backup
This guide requires Postgress installed on unRAID in a docker container and the User Scripts
1. Create a new script
Create a new script in the User Scripts
plugin, and call it FileFlows-DB-Backup
2. Edit the Script
Edit the script by running
nano /boot/config/plugins/user.scripts/scripts/FileFlows-DB-Backup/script
3. Code
Paste the following code replacing container
with the name of your Postgres Docker container and backup_dir
with your backup location
# Define the backup directory (ensure proper quoting)
# Define the database name (ensure proper quoting)
# Define the docker container name for the Postgres server (ensure proper quoting)
# Perform the backup
docker exec "$container" pg_dump -U postgres -F t "$dbName" | gzip > "$backup_dir/$dbName-$(date +%Y-%m-%d).tar.gz"
# Check if backup was successful
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
echo "Backup failed!"
exit 1
# Remove old backup files if there are more than 30
backup_count=$(ls -1Q "$backup_dir" | grep "^$dbName-" | wc -l)
if [ "$backup_count" -gt 30 ]; then
# Determine the number of files to delete
files_to_delete=$((backup_count - 30))
# Delete the oldest files
ls -1trQ "$backup_dir" | grep "^$dbName-" | head -n "$files_to_delete" | xargs -I {} rm "$backup_dir"/{}
4. Test the Script
Run the script from the User Scripts and check its output, confirm a new backup was saved to the backup path.