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Systemd Service

If you wish to install either FileFlows Server or FileFlows node as as systemd service. Follow this guide.

First you need to have "dotnet" available to sudo and in the path variable. This is needed as you have to use sudo to install the service, and the systemd file will use "dotnet" to launch FileFlows.

FileFlows Server

To install FileFlows server as a systemd service run the following:

cd Server
sudo dotnet FileFlows.Server.dll --systemd

FileFlows Node

To install FileFlows Node, it is recommended that you first run the Node manually to create the configuration file which include the URL of the server

cd Node
dotnet FileFlows.Node.dll

This will create a JSON configuration file /Data/node.config

"ServerUrl": "",
"TempPath": "/home/user/FileFlows/Temp",
"HostName": "machine-name",
"Runners": 0,
"Enabled": false

Update the "ServerURL" with the URL to your FileFlows Server, for example

"ServerUrl": "",
"TempPath": "/home/user/FileFlows/Temp",
"HostName": "machine-name",
"Runners": 0,
"Enabled": false

Save the file.

Then install the systemd service with the following command

sudo dotnet FileFlows.Node.dll --systemd

Check The Status

To check the status of the FileFlows Server run

sudo systemctl status fileflows.service

And to check the status of the FileFlows Node run

sudo systemctl status fileflows-node.service


To uninstall the Server run

cd Server
sudo dotnet FileFlows.Server.dll --systemd --uninstall

Or to uninstall manually

sudo systemctl stop fileflows
sudo systemctl disable fileflows
sudo rm /etc/systemd/system/fileflows.service
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl reset-failed

To uninstall the Node run

cd Node
sudo dotnet FileFlows.Node.dll --systemd --uninstall

Or to uninstall manually

sudo systemctl stop fileflows-node
sudo systemctl disable fileflows-node
sudo rm /etc/systemd/system/fileflows-node.service
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl reset-failed


Question: I am getting the following error when trying to install the service "sudo: dotnet: command not found"

Answer: This means sudo cannot access dotnet, you can use whereis to find dotnet then include the full path

For example,

> whereis dotnet
> dotnet: /home/user/.dotnet/dotnet
> sudo /home/user/.dotnet/dotnet FileFlows.Server.dll --systemd

Question: I am getting an error saying dotnet cannot be found

Answer: If dotnet is not available in the PATH variable, you can modify the /etc/systemd/system/fileflows.service or /etc/systemd/system/fileflows-node.service and replace "dotnet" with the full path to dotnet. You can find dotnet by running

whereis dotnet

For example,

> whereis dotnet
> dotnet: /home/user/.dotnet/dotnet
> sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/fileflows.service

And replace "dotnet" with /home/user/.dotnet/dotnet