๐๏ธ Copy Database
If you want to copy the data from a SQLite database into a freshly created database to ensure all the database structure is correct after upgrades.
๐๏ธ Creating Audio Books
This guide tells you how to create audiobooks in the m4b format from folders containing chapters as individual audio files.
๐๏ธ Custom Port
To customize the port of the FileFlows Server if using the command parameter
๐๏ธ External Processing Node
An external processing node, allows you to share or off loading the processing of files onto multiple systems, or a more powerful system.
๐๏ธ Language Comparison
FileFlows allows several flow elements to compare the language of a source (e.g., an audio track) against user-defined patterns.
๐๏ธ Linux
3 items
๐๏ธ Sonarr/Radarr and SABnzbd
If you are using Sonarr or Radarr with SABnzbd, you should make FileFlows act as a middleman between the two applications
๐๏ธ Templates
FileFlows utilizes the Scriban templating engine.
๐๏ธ Third Party
1 items
๐๏ธ Unexpected Issue
If you ever come across this error message at the bottom of the page
๐๏ธ unRAID
2 items
๐๏ธ Variables
Variables let you inject a string into a field.