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PowerShell Scripts

A PowerShell script (.ps1) must be run on a Windows system and can be used for a:

Exit Codes

Exit codes are used when executing a PowerShell script to determine the result of the execution.

In a Flow

When using in a flow, the exit code will correspond to the output, for example:

Exit CodeDescription
0Complete the flow, stop execution
1Output 1
2Output 2
UnknownIf the exit code is out of range of the defined outputs, then this will be treated as a failure


In a flow Variables can be used, these will be basic string replacements, which will be done to the script code before creating the .bat file.

Variables can be used using {VariableName}, for example

# Replace {file.FullName} and {file.Orig.FullName} with actual values
$WorkingFile = '{file.FullName}'
$OriginalFile = '{file.Orig.FullName}'

# Example commands using the variables
Write-Output "Working on file: $WorkingFile"
Write-Output "Original file location: $OriginalFile"

exit 1

In a Pre-Execute Script

When using in a Pre-Execute Script:

Exit CodeDescription
1Success, can process a file
OtherFailure, will not process a file