Testing Flow Scripts
You can use the dotnet tester to test a script, which can be run like so
dotnet run ScriptName parameters
For example
dotnet run '.\Scripts\Flow\Hardware\NVIDIA - Below Encoder Limit.js' --EncoderLimit 2
dotnet run .\Scripts\System\DownloadClients\PauseSABNZbd.js --var:FileFlows.Url http://fileflows.lan --var:SABnzbd.Url http://sabnzbd.lan/ --var:SABnzbd.ApiKey 123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP
Variables are used by System and Shared scripts to read in user configurable values, e.g. a API URL or Access Token.
The should be in the format of [Product].[Name], for example FileFlows.Url
Dotnet Tester Command Line
Name | Description | Used | Example |
--name | A function variable to pass into a script | function Script(MyVariable) | --MyVariable "A String" |
--var:name | A value to set in the Variables | Variables.MyVariable | --var:MyVariable "A String" |