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TV Episode Lookup

TV Episode Lookup

Performs a search on for a TV Episode


tvepisode.TitleThe TV show titlestringThe Batman
tvepisode.SubtitleThe name of the episodestringThe Man Who Laughs
tvepisode.YearThe year the episode airednumber2004
tvepisode.AirDateThe original air dateDate2004-6-1
tvepisode.SeasonThe season the episode is innumber2
tvepisode.EpisodeThe episode numbernumber4
tvepisode.LastEpisodeOptional. The last episode if this is more than one episdoenumber5
tvepisode.OverviewThe overview/summary of the episodestringJoker makes Batman laugh

Use Folder Name

When selected, the folder name will be used to lookup the TV shows title.

If the title contains Season, Staffel, Saison, Specials then the parent folder will be used.

PathShow Name
/media/tv/Batman/Specials/Batman - 0x24.mkvBatman
/media/tv/Batman/Season 2/Batman - 2x24.mkvBatman
/media/tv/Batman/Staffel 2/Batman - 2x24.mkvBatman
/media/tv/Batman/Saison 2/Batman - 2x24.mkvBatman
/media/tv/Batman/Batman - 2x24.mkvBatman


  1. TV Show found
  2. TV Show not found