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Here you can configure the Internal Processing Node of FileFlows. A Processing Node is what executes a Flow and processes Files.

  • Enabled
    • When disabled no files will be processed by the Internal Processing Node. You can disable this if you wish to pause the system.
  • Flow Runners
    • The number of flow runner instances available to execute a flow.
  • Temp Directory
    • This directory will be used by flows to create temporary files as the flow is processed, this directory will be regularly cleaned up so keep nothing important here.
  • Schedule
    • This allows you to configure when files can begin processing. No files will begin processing outside of this schedule.


  • Log Queue Messages
    • This will cause excessive logging of all files being queued/dequeued in the library watcher.
    • Turn this if you are having issues with files not appearing, turn off again afterwards to avoid filling your log files with excessive logging.
  • Log Every Request
    • If every request to the server should be logged.
  • Log File Retention
    • How long log files should be kept before they are deleted.
  • File Added Notifications
    • If a toast notification should be shown in the web console when a file has been found and added to the queue.
  • Processing Started Notifications
    • If a toast notification should be shown in the web console when a file begins processing
  • Processing Finished Notifications
    • If a toast notification should be shown in the web console when a file finishes processing


  • Checks for Update
    • Checks for an update now and if found will download the update and install it when no Flows are executing.
  • Auto Update
    • When enabled FileFlows will routinely be checked for updates, and if an update is found, will automatically be downloaded and installed.
  • Auto Update Plugins
    • When enabled plugins will routinely be checked for updates, and if any updates are found will automatically be downloaded.
  • Auto Update Nodes
    • When enabled external nodes will automatically update when FileFlows server updates. Meaning you will only have to update the FileFlows server instance in a distributed environment.

File Server

This allows for external processing nodes to download a file for processing without mapping.

This does expose your files over your network, so disable if not on a trusted network.

  • Enabled

    • Turns on or off the file server
  • File Permissions

    • Only available for Linux hosts, will default to 644. All newly created files will have these permissions applied to them
  • Folder Permissions

    • Only available for Linux hosts, will default to 775. All newly created folders will have these permissions applied to them
  • Allowed Paths
    • A new line separated list of paths allowed to be accessed by the exposed file server.
    • These are the locations that can be read/written to remotely.
    • Note: All library paths are automatically allowed.
    • Example


  • Type
    • The type of database to use, the default type is SQLite which requires no additional setup or configuration
  • Server
    • The address of the Database server and the port or named instance if required
  • Name
    • The name of the database to created, if left blank 'FileFlows' will be used
  • Port
    • The default port for MySQL is 3306
  • User
    • The user used to connect to the database
  • Password
    • The password of the user to connect to the database


Tests the database connection

Restart FileFlows

This will save the database connection are restart the FileFlows server.


  • Language
    • The language that will be used in the system.
    • If you would like to help the community and help with translations refer to the Languages guide.
  • Delay Between Files
    • The delay in milliseconds each processing node will wait between starting a file and requesting a new one.
    • Setting this delay to zero means it will immediately request a new file.
    • If the delay is too short, features like load balancing and library runner limits may not work properly, as a file might not have fully started before the next request.
  • File Check Interval
    • How often to check for a new file to processing in the processing nodes.
  • Keep Failed Temp Files
    • Enabling this option will retain the temporary files used by a flow in case of failure, preventing them from being automatically deleted.
    • Use with caution.
  • Telemetry
    • Telemetry is useful to help know what devices we need to support, what Flow parts are the most used and where we should focus on the development. All data is anonymous and no information about what files were processed will be sent.
    • If telemetry is disabled all auto updates will also be disabled as they do contact which is a form of telemetry.


Configuring user security will require users to login and processing nodes to provide the Access Token to connect.

Users must be added before they can sign in or before you can use this feature.


  • None
    • No security is required, this is the default
  • Local User
    • Local users are created and authenticated using username and passwords.
  • Open ID Connect
    • Authentication is handled by a third party Open ID Connect provider, users must still be added, but they are authorized using the third party site.

Access Token

This is a token required by processing nodes to connect to the server when security is enabled. If this access token is not provided, the processing node will not be able to connect.

Token Expiry

The duration of the login token before it expires.

Local Users

Max Attempts

The maximum number of login attempts the user is allowed before they are temporarily blocked

Lockout Duration

The duration in minutes the user will be locked out for before they can reattempt a login.

Open ID Connect


The URL of the Open ID Connect provider (e.g.,

Client ID

The client ID registered with the Open ID Connect provider.

Client Secret

The client secret registered with the Open ID Connect provider.

Callback Address

An optional callback address, you can use this to override the default address this will send to the client. For example if you are behind a reverse proxy and FileFLows is listening on HTTP but the callback should occur on HTTPS.


These settings are optional, and only needed if you are using the Email plugin, Local user security or wish to email Reports


The SMTP email server, e.g.


The port of the SMTP email server, e.g. 587


The security to use when sending emails


An optional username to send emails from


The password for the SMTP user


The name of the user who emails will be sent from

From Address

The email address of the user who emails will be sent from